Treadmill by Josh Keyes Saltspring Island Coffee Roastery runs into difficultly getting a new factory zoned (Times Colonist). I am deeply suspicious of statements by the proponents that appear to be ultimatums, such as Mickey McLeod who said that “the operation might move off-island”. However, given Saltspring Coffee’s track record, I am inclined to believe them. Hopefully a compromise can be reached.
- Every single time the cops do a sweep of trucks on the road, they pull a lot off. Victoria Police found exactly the same a few days ago (Times Colonist). Until such time as they start cracking down on the companies that own these trucks, don’t expect the story to change. Also expect more people to die, like those poor farm workers in the Lower MainlandĀ who died when their van rolled over (CBC) a few years back.
- Milwaukee is considering putting residential/commercial on its library sites (Library Journal via Planetizen), something Toronto has been also been working on (Town Crier.ca). GVPL has also worked on non-traditional branch locations, with the recently-opened Goudy Branch in Langford, which is located in a strip mall (Times Colonist). Expect to see more of this, especially given how valuable the land that a lot of libraries sit on.
- The TLC’s little internal feud will hopefully be over with a vote tonight, although I doubt it. Infighting of this size usually either takes a split in the organization or many years to heal.
- Lastly, on a lighter note, a look at “Art for Urban Planners” (Planetizen), including the work of the almost-surreal Josh Keyes, whose work is shown on the right.