The time to end polio is now and the Rotary Club of Oak Bay invites you to come help us out in this quest. Tomorrow between 11am and 2pm, we are holding a hotdog BBQ on the front lawn of the Oak Bay Municipal Hall in the Oak Bay Village. The hot dogs and coffee are all “sold” by donation, with all proceeds going to the PolioPlus project of Rotary International. Thanks to our generous sponsors: COBS Bakery for the buns, Fairway Markets for the wieners and condiments, and Level Ground Trading for coffee. Also thanks to the Municipality of Oak Bay for declaring February 23rd Rotary Day, letting us the lawn of the municipal hall’s lawn, and raising the Rotary flag, as well as to the Inter-Cultural Association of Greater Victoria for providing us with a tent in the case of inclement weather. Hope to see you there!
Category: Uncategorized
Planners say one thing, developers hear another
As a follow-up to my Planning to plan the plan for the long range plan, I have What Planners mean when they say . . ., which contains such gems as:
What the planner says | What the planner thinks | What the developer thinks |
“What do you think?” | You don’t like it either, do you? | We’re in trouble, they’re thinking. |
“Is the applicant here?” | Can we talk, or do we have to be diplomatic? | No! After spending all of this energy, to say nothing or a King’s ransom in fees, the applicant has decided to go to the racetrack where the odds are better. |
Planning to plan the plan for the long range plan
Oh indeed. Lawyers aren’t the only ones with incomprehensible tradespeak. Just take a look:
Video courtesy of Civic Blogger, by Robert Voigt.
Given Canada wants to get out of Afghanistan…
…this image is pretty funny. Produced by GOOD Magazine, it moves countries’ populations around to so that size and population followed the same progression. Take a look:

Victoria in a single image
Marching with HSSE in the 2010 Victoria Pride Parade
Yesterday I went down to the Pride Parade but instead of merely watching, this year I decided to march with Heterosexuals for Same Sex Equality (HSSE). It was a great deal of fun, mostly thanks to Shona Crisp who did all the organizing and networking to get us all out. There are a great deal of other pictures out there on the internet covering the rest of the great parade, such as the Paparazzi float we were a few behind (that was the big truck with the bubble machine, DJ, and people dancing in front with large feather ensembles), so I figured I would put up the HSSE pictures only. Enjoy:
[slickr-flickr tag=”victoriaprideparade2010″ items=”8″ type=”gallery”]
(You can also see them in the flickr set)
Last weekend on Saltspring…
It may sound like the beginning to a great story, but it is really the intro to a series of pictures I took the last Saturday in June when I visited Saltpring Island with two friends. We hit the Saltspring Market, ArtCraft, and a pair of beaches (including one in Ruckle Park. All in all, a great day had by all. Pictures below and in my Flickr set.
[slickr-flickr tag=”saltspringtrip2010″ items=”13″ type=”gallery”]
Langford Mayor Stew Young blogs
I failed to notice this earlier this year, but as of March 2010, the Mayor of Langford, Stew Young, has got himself a blog. It is mostly puff pieces and is likely written by the City of Langford’s communications/pr department. This is marked difference to John Luton’s and Cairine Green’s blogs, which are both written by them. Another key difference: John and Cairine actually update their blogs. As of this writing, John updated his today, talking about 2-laning the Johnson St. bridge, and Cairine with an update on June 21st about a recent council meeting.
A few pictures from a few block parties
Yesterday I went for a bit of a walk around Oak Bay to 5 different block parties: St. Patrick, Byron St, Pacific St, the lane behind Dalhousie St, and Oliver St. While out for my jaunt I took a few pictures (see them all in my Flickr set too):
[slickr-flickr tag=”oakbayblockparty2010″ items=”13″ type=”gallery”]
Tea Party pictures

I uploaded some Tea Party pictures from sunny Saturday to a Flickr set today. Sadly I missed out on getting pictures of the parade due to me forgetting my battery from my camera at home, but I managed to borrow another camera for the rest of the day.
I spent large parts of Saturday and Sunday working at Rotary Oak Bay’s cotton candy and popcorn booth, so I didn’t get a huge amount of time for photographs. Still, enjoy!