While on a random web search the other day I came across the blog of Cairine Green, one of councillors for the municipality of North Saanich.While this might not be the only councillor in the CRD who is actively blogging, I certainly don’t know of any others. It is sad, really, as the web offers such an immediate way to get feedback and tell residents what is happening in their municipal government.
Here is Oak Bay our website isn’t even that great (I have promised Chris Causton some info on how I think it should be fixed, something I haven’t yet delivered. One of these days..). None of the sitting councillors have active websites and most didn’t even have websites in the first place. The sole exception was Tara Ney, whose site is blank.
Amongst the candidates, Michelle Kirby‘s and Chris Smith‘s sites have nothing more than thank you notices. Michelle can be excused, as she continues to blog at chezkirby.ca.
Beyond our little sleepy neighbourhood, a quick survey of the candidates campaign sites show a mix of blank, no longer registered or simply rotting away with old content. I didn’t spend the several hours it would have taken to google each one of their names, but I can guess the result: nothing.
Even further afield, the Toronto City Clerk has pushed council to enter the 21st century. They not only have a blog but even have a twitter account, TorontoCouncil. Both post near-real time or extremely fast updates on what is happening at council meetings.
Have you found another blogging councillor? Please leave me a comment to let me know so I can add them to the sidebar.
Andrea Reimer, now a Vancouver City Councillor had this blog that she maintained as a Vancouver School Trustee….until she lost the election in 2005. Maybe it didn’t seem worth all the effort?
From the sounds of it, Andrea put a lot of hours into her term as a Trustee, and not getting re-elected after all that, must have been a big blow. Maybe that’s the reason she no longer blogs, and most other political representatives are loathe to blog as well?